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Elixir Tip: Enum.any? + match?
28 May 2016I recently found out about the match?/2 function in Elixir through the #elixir-lang IRC channel on Freenode.
What this function allows you to do is to determine if a given pattern matches a given expression. For instance, if you wanted to know if a list of maps contained a particular key + value combination, you could do this:
people = [%{name: "John"}, %{name: "Jane"}]
Enum.any?(people, fn (person) -> match?(%{name: "John"}, person) end)
This code will get Elixir to tell you if any of the people have the name “John”. In this case, the result would be true
. You could even get fancy and use a shorter function:
Enum.any?(people, &(match?(%{name: "John"}, &1)))
This shorter function defines the same function in the first example, but instead of having a named argument to the function, &1
is used instead.